Friday, October 2, 2009

It has begun...

It really began in 1943 when my father was born. James Ray Wilson is a unique individual unmatched by any other. People who meet him love him and are confused by him all at the same time. He is himself and he is not going to apologize for it. He is the same no matter who is around. Whether it be his children, people from church, or strangers...he is the same man (the language cleans up in some circumstances for the sake of others involved.)

As his beautiful adult children we have had numerous conversations about the stories my dad tells, the one liners he drops, the conclusions he makes, the gems he blesses us with. If one of us cannot attend a family event, the others call to enlighten the absent member with the pearls of wisdom our father has bestowed upon them.

We are all grows up now and have come to the conclusion that we need to document his insight. He has not kept a journal, so as his children, we will keep record of the most entertaining moments of our life involving our Papa J. We hope that the chronicles of Jimmy Rae will be enjoyed by our future generations.

We have chosen not to tell Papa J about the blog at this time. We want the documentation to be genuine and not for the sake of his perfomance. While these writings are mostly for our family's own enteratinment, we welcome any who happen upon us. Thank you.